My Fitness Pal

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Fun Day

Well I decided to work out today. I figure every little thing counts, especially with a weigh in coming up on Tuesday.

Exercise: 4 circuits of 15 reps each
Bicep curl (3 lbs)
Front raise (3 lbs)
The three pound weights are all I have at home and I wanted to do something but not over exert myself since I'm still a little sore.
Walk around my apartment complex - total of 8 times

Mean plan:
Breakfast: fried egg, multigrain english muffin, two slices bacon, banana, coffee
Lunch: Chobani greek yogurt with raspberries, kiwi, and honey; mini babybel cheese
Snack: almonds, banana
Dinner: grilled salmon, edamame, crisp pink apple, mini babybel cheese

Daily BL Challenge:
Menu and grocery list for the week.
I did that on Friday.

I am keeping track of all my steps with my Fitbit and my calories with myfitnesspal. You should check them out and friend me if you are already on them.
myfitnesspal shu10str

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