One on my favorite memories of being a child was going to the park with my brother and dad. In Texas there was a huge wooden park. I loved running around and playing hide and seek and having dad swing my brother and me on the tire swing. In fact, I still love parks and play sets and swings and slides. I remember my cousins built a tree fort in Ohio. It was by far the coolest thing I had ever seen. I always wanted a tree house. Then in Virginia there was a park in our neighborhood, that's where we all hung out in middle school - we had water gun fights and played hide and seek throughout the entire neighborhood. My favorite place was that neighborhood in Virginia. I have so many memories, I could fill a book with all I did there. I was alive there. What happened?... Anyway.
A great date would be going to a large park and running through it, pretending to be on a pirate ship or in a treehouse in the forest. Something like in "Bones" when Hodgins and Angela have their first date on a swing set. <3 love it. Love "Bones" by the way too. I just finished watching Season 5. Balled like a baby on the finale, just like I did when I saw it originally. Love Bones and Booth together. Season 5 has to be the best season, the lingering glances, Booth's love for Brennan showing up in everything he does and says and looks. Swoon! Sorry about that tangent. I just really want someone to love me like that one day. I have hope, I mean Booth and Bones are in their late 30's and early 40's. I'm only in my late 20's (barely) so I have time still.
Now is my time to get my career started. Now is my time to finally figure out who I am outside of being a student. I feel like that has been my identity for so long and I don't know who I am if I'm not a student. I'm not a girlfriend. I may be an acquaintance for some. A daughter/sister/niece/cousin/granddaughter to others. I need to figure out how I identify myself. Doctor? Woman? Independent? I'm not very good at this am I? I'll figure it out eventually. For now, bed and dreaming about playgrounds and parks and being a kid.
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