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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 1

I thought I would do one of those photo-a-day challenges. I chose this one courtesy of fatmumslim:
I have this blog that I haven't been doing much on lately, so I thought I'd combine the two together. I will post my pics on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, and here. Here, I will elaborate a little on each one and maybe update about what is going on each day as well.

So without further ado, here is my first photo.

I took this in Birmingham. My last full day in my apartment here. I am turning in my keys tomorrow. It's a little weird knowing that I no longer live in Birmingham. It's been my home for the last three and half years. So I took this pic on my iPad. I was working around the light pouring in from the window. I was trying to hid the pimple on my cheek, I succeeded. I don't usually take selfies, so I thought I'd do one instead of trying to be creative, which I'm not by the way. I think it's a pretty accurate representation of me, I don't have much makeup on, I don't have a huge smile in my face, but I'm not scowling either, my hair has a bit of a wave to it from th french braid I slept in instead of my usual curls. Just a basic me on a typical Saturday.

See you tomorrow.

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