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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 2 - favorite

Today the them was favorite. My favorite thing is stars. If you ever want to get me something and aren't sure about what, you can't go wrong with anything that has stars on it.  When "A walk to remember" came out, one of the things the guy does is name a star after the female character. I don't remember their names but that's not important. I always wanted someone to name a star after me since. In fact if and when I get engaged, I want stars to factor in somewhere: name a star, star ring, during a meteor shower, watching falling stars, etc something star related or he is not the right guy for me. The right guy will know that stars are my favorite thing ever!

Other than that, not much is going on. I have the Super Bowl in the tv for background noise, but I'm not really watching it. Mom decided that the Seahawks should be my team because of the green. Green btw is my favorite color. Lime green. Like the green in the Seahawks uniform. Perfect huh. I also turned in my apartment keys and no longer have anything in Birmingham. No ties to bind me there at all. Amazing feeling.

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