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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Another day, another zumba

I'm pretty proud of myself so far. I've gotten up twice this week to do zumba before school! I'm going for three times, that will beat my personal best of the week I think... :/

Anywho. I'm actually liking this getting up and getting my exercise (at least cardio) out of the way. As I inch forward, I'll start adding strength but for now I think what I'm doing is sufficient. You don't want to push yourself too hard at first because then it's harder to stick to the plan. Easy does it, the tortoise wins the race!

I've been trying to eat healthier too, so I have fruit and cucumber at lunch and everyone mentions how healthy I'm eating. Well, I have to. I know that I'm overweight and its about time I did something about it, so exercise and eating healthy it is. I don't want to sound self-depricating in response so I just say thanks vs what I really want to say which is "I'm fat, I know. I'm trying to do something about it."

I think that is about all the exciting news I have for now.

39 days until Part I Boards! AHHH!!!!

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