My Fitness Pal

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's been too long, time to check in

I haven't been focusing on much of anything regarding my health or weight recently. In May I found out that I didn't pass my board again and I will be retaking it the first week of August.

This past week, I have been getting up the elliptical and walking and even started a squat challenge on facebook. These have all provided me with a built in study break during the day. I have also decided to honestly and reliably record my food and calories. 

I have been doing a lot of moving the past 6 months as well, as I was moving between locations for my externships and finally the big move back home at 27 with 1.5 degrees to my name. (For the record I "graduated" in May - at least I walked in the graduation ceremony, but I won't get my diploma and transcript until I pass this board). So call me Doc if you want, but I won't feel right about it until I get that diploma.

Anyway back to the point. I have a fitbit tracker and aria scale. I haven't been using the scale because I haven't had my own internet set up for a while. I dug it out of storage and set it up with my mom's network and stepped on the scale.

What?! 11 pound increase since I last checked in 1.5 months ago. I moved home one month ago. I know that it's because I've been so sedentary. Being home, the only thing I have had to do is study for the board, so I hadn't been doing much of anything during the day. I can't believe I've been home for one month. Yikes! Has it really been that long.

Needless to say, I am not a happy camper. This explains why my jeans are feeling especially tight. I am only comfortable in pjs and my yoga pants and workout shorts. This news confirms my worst fear and why I have been avoiding actually going out in public, when mom and her new boyfriend have been wanting me to go out with them on the weekend.

Well, I think that's about all for tonight. Time to get back to my studying. 12 days to go. 

You can follow my journey on MyFitnessPal at or on FitBit at

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