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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 10

Welp, last day of level 1 on 30 day shred today. Tomorrow morning, I will get up and do my workout and weigh in. Guess that means I better be up pretty early so I don't have to rush. 

I'm totally loving this 30 day shred followed by a short class of zumba on the wii! I had so much energy this morning, I'm pretty sure that the 2nd years were thinking I was crazy and that they wanted me to leave them alone in all their nervousness for their practical this morning at 8 am. I made up little goodie bags for my sponsee and two friends who had their practicals this morning. Chocolate and this piece of fun!
How fun is this?!

Anywho. So tomorrow I'll have my 30 day shred in the morning, then a 2 hour zumba marathon at the rec center at 530. I'll be amazed if I can make it through 2 hours of zumba! I guess we'll see tomorrow. Luckily I only have Primary Care clinic in the morning and nothing in the afternoon, so I'll be plenty rested for it. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day, I'm pretty excited and pumped!

See you tomorrow morning bright and early.

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